Nicholas Gary Ashton

About Me I have a tough time explaining who I was before I started painting, but painting has become the one thing that breathes life into me. As a recovering alcoholic who survived homelessness, incarceration and, severe mental health issues along with losing my one true canine best friend Harley I started painting as a way to alleviate depressive and anxious episodes before realizing the real talent that had lain dormant. Growing up I always felt like I never had that real track to follow in life, having this internal knowledge drove me to just continuously try new things to see where and If I could find that hidden track. This has given me a passionate grasp on the things I do try and succeed in; gifting me the attitude of never being afraid to try something once. I do not regret my past and the mistakes I made because they led me to discover my real passion. Painting. When I paint, I have the freedom to be myself, to let my emotions flow, and to do it the way I want. I first started painting to occupy a void that alcohol was filling. So much of my earliest work was created in a depressive state with no motivation to keep going. The first piece 'Hold Yourself Accountable' along with my other early work was done with a Q-tip and ended with a quote. These pieces were given to family or friends who felt drawn to them. When I paint, I disappear into my own self, a place with no judgment or guilt attached. I have a difficult time looking at the completed pieces because of this and giving them a proper name. Giving people a rainbow of emotions when looking at my artwork is where my joy is truly found inspiring the name Fridge Art. I want each piece to give you that surge of emotion whenever you look at it.